
Timesaving Procedures for Busy Teachers, 4th ed.

Bertie Kingore, Ph. D.


Grades K-12

ISBN: 978-0-9787042-4-X

  • Downloadable & customizable reproducibles
  • 264-page book
  • Perfect bound

Over 140 reproducible forms, posters, and student examples! –– Procedures you can start implementing today without hours of extra preparation time

Increase self-esteem and motivation to excel with student management

The processes and products described have been implemented with learners in pre-kindergarten through college. They include both rural and urban populations ranging in size from approximately 400 to 600,000 students. Native-American, European-American, African-American, Asian-American, and Latin-American students whose socioeconomic status ranges from poverty through upper-middle class have been involved.

Complied and adapted from decades of implementation, Assessment provides:

  • Hundreds of ideas to make assessment more effective and efficient;
  • Pictorial rubric generator to produce tiered levels of rubrics across the curriculum;
  • Product ideas and examples;
  • Product Grid correlating over 100 types of products to modalities and intelligences; and
  • Parent communication procedures and letters.

Scroll through the preview pages and click on an image to enlarge it. Downloadable PDFs are included on the Learning Experiences page to implement and distribute.

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